[Now Public] Recordings from Classes for Mothers in Tareem.
The Mothers Madrasa is a course that covers a few topics in Arabic and concurrently translated into English. It is meant for mothers taught by various teachers including Habib Omar and other senior teachers. Two days a week with two sessions each day.
Some weeks back I posted a recording from one of the classes here in Tareem taught by Habib Omar and translated by Ustadh Amin Buxton. Recently one of the boys involved in putting the course together had it all uploaded into one folder on DropBox. You can access it here via this link:
Brief notes on the main teachers of the Mothers Madrasa, all of them about 50 years old, some 40. Some classes have substitute teachers for when the main teachers travelled, including twenty something expert on Hadith, Shaykh Mukhtar Jamil.
Felicitous Ascensions (الطوالع السعدية) taught by Habib Kadhim al-Saqaff
He is a classmate of Habib Omar that became his student. He’s known to be animated and travels to Malaysia and the west often, to teach. Back when he was the principal of a madrasah, when students were asleep, he was washing the toilets.
*Felicitous Ascensions – An Elucidation of the Duties of the Individual Call, is written by Habib Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman al-Saqaff, known from his tv show Fattabouni. This book was one of the four texts selected for the renowned Dar al-Mustafa Summer Dowra 1435/2014. The 40-Day Dowra (course) begins annually 1stJuly. Applications typically begin to open on the school’s website in April. I attended the one in 2013.
The Glorious Treasures (الذخيرة المشرفة) taught by Shaykh Abu Bakr al-Khateeb
He is a ridiculously humble teacher, the kind that waits to say hello to you first, from across the street. He’s put me in this awkward position a few times. There are over 360 mosques in Tareem but only few conduct Friday service. He gives the sermon at the central mosque, every week.
*This book is the first book of fiqh taught to first year students. It is a straight-forward application of daily fiqh, especially in terms of supplications. Full-time students are required to memorize it. Classes on it though, usually include commentaries on the higher and spiritual meanings of the ritual practices committed by Muslims.
Our Character taught by Habib Muhammad Abdullah al-Aydarus
He is one of those people of state, and not statement. He’s aura is enough to captivate most people. He recently represented Habib Omar when the latter couldn’t make it to the annual Southeast Asia trip. He heads the da’wah department of Dar al-Mustafa and sits on the fatwa council.
Innaha Fatimah az-Zahra’ taught by Shaykh Munir Ba-Zuhayr
He is a true blood scholar. He has written quite a few books on various topics including one on Malaysia’s famous Johor Mufti from the past, Habib Alwi bin Tahir al-Haddad. He chaperoned us on one da’wah trip where at one point or another, he took on any role from cooking to cleaning to teaching.
Habib Omar now joins the roster of the main teachers of this course. First lesson was yesterday.
Audio recording of Habib Umar’s First Lesson in Miftah al-Sarair (my amateur translation of the book title, Key of/to the Secrets)
The Zain Gallery Assalamu’alaikum the folder seems to be empty?