‘You know why ppl here aren’t occupying themselves with what Trump is saying and doing, and what others are saying and doing about him?
Because for this herd, their shepherd is Muhammad (pbuh).
Not CNN. Not WhatsApp.
Which herd are we in?
We listen, talk and think about something because some of everyone is on the same thing.
Khalas it’s Rabi’ul Awwal now. And I’m no longer on FB. 🙂 ‘
*Pic is front cover of one edition of Mawlid Sharaf al-Anam (Sharaful Anam). It’s classic. It’s been my favourite Mawlid Nabi for sometime now. It takes about 90 to recite at least without any speeches. In a few days a few of the main mosques will be hosting their signature annual Mawlid, and they’ll be reciting Sharaf al-Anam. It begins before dawn. And the crowd is always over pouring on to the streets.
My grandmother said that as a child she, cousins, aunts and grandaunts read it every Friday after the men’s Friday prayers. She said that in Malaya, those times you’d find either this one or Mawlid Barzanji, so widespread it was Marhaban and Barzanji became a Malay word. I’ve come across a few compilation Mawlid and poetry (qasidah) books written in old Malay Jawi script.