‘Hahaha. You guys definitely missed the point.’
In the school I’m attending, there are two semesters in a year. Each semester has a final exam and each of those have two mid term exams. (Details of this in Comment Box below.)
Excluding those solid students, others whine the exams. The contention is that traditionally, exams didn’t exist in the traditional system.
Teachers respond by saying, true. Scholars of the past didn’t do exams. They sought knowledge for a higher purpose. But they too were in a different environment and more importantly, different state of mind and being. They were always ready.
‘So if you boys are like them, exams shouldn’t bother you correct?’ 🙂
Once last year, a teacher highlighted a point in class and a student asked is this what’s coming out in the exams? He flipped, zaying how unbecoming it is for a seeker of knowledge to ask such a question and concern himself with such a matter. (Shortly after the teacher apologized repeatedly for it was unbecoming for him as a teacher to respond harshly and emotionally.)
Recently Habib Omar as headmaster reminded us that to seek knowledge is to always be with it and be ready to serve it. If our intentions are clear and aligned, fear will not be with exams.
Some days after, the administration office informed the students a number of changes, one of which is that from now on exam dates will not be announced, even to teachers. All will be informed moments prior.
Back to what our history teacher said,
‘Hahaha. You guys definitely missed the point. The higher purpose. Previously with exam dates you were afraid.
Now with no exam dates, you are more afraid! I seek and pray the best for you. All success comes from Him. Hahaha. Hilarious.’
*Picture: final exam week two years ago. No surprises.
There are two semesters in a year, Shawwal to Rabi’ul Awwal and Rabi’ul Awwal to Sya’ban. Basically final holiday in Ramadhan, two weeks prior and two weeks after it. And mid year two week break in Rabi’ul Awwal.
Each semester has a final exam and each of those have two mid term exams.
For the first mid term exams of each semester, subjects with at least three periods a week will be tested. This does make a big difference for the students, as many subjects don’t count like memorization of poems and hadith, grammar, dictation, history public speaking, purification of the heart – and more. Exegesis of the Qur’an, Hadith commentary and law are in.
Note: in other schools a different system applies. For example, in one school an exam is only done on the subject once a book that’s read from within that subject is completed. Regardless of time of the year.
These are exactly the qualms I heard from my boys… 😂
That is me in Dar Zahra having a internal melt down lol