Al-Kahf recitation by Habib Abu Bakr al-Adny al-Mashoor.
And also Chapter Maryam. I’ve a recording of him reciting these two chapters. If you would like it, click here:
There’s also a recording of Habib Omar reading it on YouTube which I came across recently:
It was the practice in Dar al-Mustafa to read al-Kahf twice collectively.
Once the night of Friday – which is said in hadith that due to this act, light will shine between the servant and the Ka’bah.
A once again at sunrise on Friday morning – which is said in hadith that due to this act, light will shine on him between this Friday and the next.
For some who find the 12 pages too long, one advice given was to:
– just sit in the gathering where the others are reading
– start by getting familiar with the first and last ten verses of this chapter, for in it too are great benefits, namely that it’ll serve as protection from the Dajjal.
As written before, I know of some adults who were tasked to massage their father when they were kids, once a week on a Friday. During which he would be reciting al-Kahf. They recitation of the Qur’an was not fluent but they came to near memorize the whole of al-Kahf due to this weekly routine.
Alhamdulillah I would like it
I’d love the links to both recitations, inshaAllah. Why not add it to the post?
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