The following is a paraphrase of what Sayyid Abu Bakr bin Habib Ali al-Mashoor Bin-Hafidh said.
When you go to the shop, you get something. Something that is good and benefits you in life. Basic need or a luxury. Sometimes really, just to have a look.
Likewise, when you go to good people you get something too.
It’s not about how well you know the shopkeeper. It’s how well he knows you with how often you see him, and so the better the deal you’ll get. Discount, gifts and so forth. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re getting a good deal. A good deal that he doesn’t give others. Or a deal better than what he give others.
Likewise, with good people, the more you’re with them, the more they know you, the better the deal.
Sayyid Abu Bakr was explaining, teaching from the book Compiled Speeches and Classes of (the legendary) Habib Alwi Bin-Shihab. In that portion, Habib Alwi was quoting Imam al-Haddad, who was giving multiple illustrations of meanings and gifts when someone keeps company with righteous people.
The photo is of a boy trading on the corner of Dar al-Mustafa. The previous night I was in the same shop as him in the central market, amused at him haggling about bulk prices. It’s not visible, but when I walked pass it seemed as though he was completing an assignment from school.
Imagine what benefit there is to gain from sitting with a shopkeeper like this.
How I miss this place ya Habibi