That smile that comes, when we read a difficult passage regarding the higher levels on the path to spirituality and purification, realizing that it’s not small matter but a very tall order.
It’s no motivational, chicken soup, catch phrase wisdom but a rooted path that tests oneself and increases, for those willing. Sometimes even for those keen to hear about it.
This moment was the introduction chapter to Imam al-Ghazali’s final book, Minhaj al-Abidiin.
Minhaj al-Abidiin ila Jannati Rabbi ‘l-Aalamiin.
Translated as The Path of the Worshipful Servants to the Garden of the Lord of All Worlds.
Almost daily at 4pm approximately, a set of books are read by teachers and students to Habib Omar Bin-Hafidh who leads the school. Members of the public come join too. Mostly they are books connected to the spiritual science of Islam.
Some books may take years to complete. And bring benefit to many lifetimes.
Each day perhaps only a few lines or paragraphs are read with additional commentary from him, when and if he has something to add.
In this case it was a smile.