Miscarriage and children. Al-Fatihah hunters. Football openings.
1. From at-Tadhkeer an-Naas (التذكير الناس) from Habib Ahmad bin Hassan al-Attas.
– Recite the words Ya Haseeb (يا حسيب) seven times to affirm the safety of the pregnancy.
– The pious predecessors used to recite over the heads of small children Suurah al-Qadr (القدر). Sayyidina Ja’far as-Saadiq also instructed as such, and to recite Suurah Alam Nashrah (ألم نشرح) upon their chests.
2. For context, the famous Habib Ahmad Mashoor al-Haddad was told by his mother to go to a mosque as a young boy, because Habib Ahmad bin Hassan al-Attas had came to visit their town. His mother instructed him to greet the great scholar and recite al-Fatihah for him to hear. Such was the common practice of young children in Hadhramout.
3. It is said Habib Kadhim al-Saqqaaf’s mother made him do this many, many times as a child. Including to being told to go to their homes. One person close to Habib Kadhim said to me, from his understanding, it was due to this that Habib Kadhim’s strong inclination to playing football (in a played where it is treated very seriously), was shifted towards that of seeking knowledge. As a small boy.
Photo: Habib Abu Bakr al-Mashoor al-Adni was in town for a while and taught a small group of English background students a short course in his home. Habib Kadhim sat in with us in the circle. At the end of the class Habib Abu Bakr asked the latter to say a few words, and so he did. Representing the class as one of the fellow seekers of knowledge.
Alhamdulillah. I need this akhi as my wife is currently pregnant.