I’m leaving and it’s ironic I found this photo now.
God willing, I’ll be relocating with my family to Latin America in two weeks time. We don’t know how long we will be there but I’m not expecting longer than three years. It may just be three weeks. He is the best of planners.
In two weeks time, ten years ago, this photo was taken.
After organizing a string of (perhaps large scale) participatory art projects without seeking permission from the authorities, I was commissioned by a national company to organize something similar (but massive) for them on the busiest shopping avenue in the country. See pic.
This was a time when my law-school mates we beginning a legal career and I had been without a ‘real job’ for almost two years. I tutoring math to teenagers. And then a six month probation at a leading bank which didn’t take long to observe this place wasn’t for me.
Anyhow that big national company gig paid for my second trip to Latin America in 2010. The first being trip was 18 months prior. One that I really thought was a distant idea that would likely not happen. After two six week trips to the region, an idea said to me that the next one ought to be with my wife albeit I had no plans to get married then.
In 2012 I got married.
In 2014 we moved to Tareem, Hadhramout of Yemen. After five years of running a boutique advertising agency that averaged a seven digit revenue per annum, we closed shop (and tomorrow night a loose reunion dinner). No way I was going to handle the load of learning Arabic while running an agency.
Latin America ought to be out of my mind except that it kept falling on my lap.
In this past year, I’ve had an intense series of things planned that I did look forward to, but just didn’t happen for an array of factors. Intense. On the other hand a number of things which I didn’t focus on and went half past six just fell into place. Including and especially this move.
I seek your forgiveness for my family and myself. If I’ve owed you anything financially please make claim and let me know. Finally and frankly, please don’t burden yourself (and us) with back to back curious questions. I’m just pleased your happy with this sufficient amount of information.
I know that sounds peculiar but He truly is the best of planners.
I really don’t know if this plan to move will actually happen.
But He. Knows best.
Allah give you tawfiq in this and next world.
Allah make things easy for you
If it keeps falling on your lap, then it’s worth looking into. May Allah ease your adventure.
Hey hey i know this massive project! All the best Zain! Allah is the best planner ☺️
Best of luck!
MasyaAllah Tabarokallah All The Best Zain HD
Jangan lupa sahabat2 kita yg masih meneruskan pengajian yg ada dikalangan mereka amat2 memerlukan bantuan di Tarim
Nanti boleh pm ana
Bila nak gerak?
All the best..insya Allah
Safe trip brother.
Bismillah. Good adventure with best of intentions.
Kuala Lumpur is always here if u decide to come back. This is what I tell my self everytime we do Hijjrah.
May Allah give u &ur family everything u need. Amin
Buen viaje!
All the best and safe travels. Hopefully you can learn a little Spanish while you’re there
Good luck bro. InsyaAllah all will be well
In sya Allah. May He grant you and family with patience and perserverence in whatever that He has planned for you
All the best, Zain HD. Be well.
All the best Zain. Amazing what you have achieved. My doas for you and family.
All the best inshaAllah Zain HD
Nice to see you following your own path.. Bet those lawyer friends are now wondering what if.. 😉
Take care and happy adventures..