‘Zain, do you know what I look forward to every morning at dawn?’
– Someone once told me.
‘After the obligatory prayers, I recite the Wird (Litany) al-Latīf of Imām al-Haddād..’
– The litany, is one of many litanies read daily at dawn by the students at my school as well as others around the world. Of the many litanies read, Habib Omar bin-Hafidh says, it’s this one that you shouldn’t miss. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf gives a commentary about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XvAyQeAJ2k
‘..and you know some parts are read in repetition. 3 times or 4, or 7..’
– I know of someone else who started this daily practice, first by listening to the audio only before following by the reading of the text, and after familiarity started reciting it on his own without the audio, where shortly after became fluent with it to the point of near memorization. Baby steps. This is the audio available on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZOQmNELrCA
‘..but there’s one where we read 10 times. At about midway. It is the sending of peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم..’
– As with all the litanies of Imam al-Haddad, ‘al-Wird al-Latif’ is made up of nothing but the ‘Prayers’ of The Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him] and the formulae that He [Peace Be Upon Him] instructed his community to recite mornings and evenings. It is therefore strictly in conformity with the sunnah, and once it is well-rehearsed and becomes regular practice, one can rest assured that he is following the ‘Prophetic’ instructions as to which adhkar he should use to begin and end his day.
‘..and while I may be reciting this alone, I can’t help but have a wide smile on my face as I read that part specifically. I look at those words with fondness and affection. Because..’
– It (the litany) may be used for protection from various inward and outward perils, for curing certain illnesses, for increasing certain kinds of provision, for haraka, and for the recompense promised for the recitation of each of its letters. Knowing this, Muslims all over the world have always recited both the Qur’an and the Prophetic invocations in their original Arabic, even when unable to understand the language, to make sure that they lose none of the secrets and baraka, much of which are lost in translation
‘..I love him! Don’t you? Ya? If you think about it, what a sweet position it is! To be among those sending peace and blessings upon he who is Most Beloved by God. I didn’t feel this before, but I know now of this delight. And I’m telling you for a reason.’ *wink*
#HaulHaddad #ImamAlhaddad #Tareem #HabibOmar #HamzaYusuf الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ – Habib Omar Hamza Yusuf
MasyaAllah zain….i love the wirdul latif…and i too look fwd to reading it every morning and evening…tak lengkap hari kalau tak baca…doakan moga istiqomah.
The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam taught this salawat to the late Habib Munzir (rahimahullah), and he reads it 5000 times a day.