What a striking statement. Did you spot it?
This was seen everywhere in this area, and perhaps elsewhere too.
I saw this in Old Muscat in Oman in December 2018 during an unexpected extended stay with the blessed people there.
In a discussion today at Hikma Fellowship today, someone mentioned to me about for a number of Muslims, the crisis which they are facing comes from seeing Islam as an idea they intellectualize or live.
But mroe importantly it comes from the absence of having the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a central element in their lives. Keyword: his centrality.
اذا مريت من هنا صلى على النبي
صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
الكاتب محمد عبدالله ديزل البلوي
In the photo at the bottom right it says in an instructive manner, if you pass from this place here, send a salutation upon the Prophet (pbuh), written by Muhammad Abdullah Diegel al Baluwi (shopkeeper).