Something happened that day that excited everyone there. Thanks to Habib Kadhim al-Saqaff.
*Some people are organizing a program with Habib Kadhim in Kuala Lumpur this Sunday on breastfeeding. As a person known to be addicted to reading, it’ll be interesting to listen on what he’s to say. See Comment Box below for poster or find Peace Meal on FB.
Two students got married. It took place at Habib Omar’s house where lunch was hosted and so forth. Friends, classmates and school guards ushered the grooms. The whole thing was not long but not brief either, especially as lunch came into the picture. So as always Habib Omar had to excuse himself to his next of many appointments.
That meant that no one was at the Chair of the ceremony. So after lunch when the band started to play, Habib Kadhim sat upfront facing the attendees, a place for the host and elders present. In a big way, it was simply a supporting duty of a disciple making sure that a guests in the home of the teacher, is still being hosted well.
Students began to dance and at some point the grooms got pulled in, who couldn’t do much of a dance – as most do most other students. However it is their special day and while it was an attempt to honour them, there was also a risk of embarrassing them. It was not necessary but when you see your loved ones like this, you’d want to ‘save them.’
Though he couldn’t dance either, as lead and respected figure in the room, Habib Kadhim, the scholar, just got up and joined the boys. And that got almost everyone in the room on their feet cheering all three of them. After which, the ‘dance floor’ was congested with people from all sorts of background, culture and age. They continued till it was time for ‘Asar prayer.
Some host with food, but here I see heart.
Interesting talk
I once attended a large wedding party at King Abdul Aziz University in with both Habib Umar and Habib Zain in attendance-unforgettable. I enjoyed observing the traditional wedding ‘dance’.