One of the many after-parties at the Haul of Habib Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Mihdhar in Guweireh, Dow’an Valley on the 11th of the month of Safar, every year. Various people who attended the Haul, come in, have tea, chit chat between intervals of poetry. Some know the host, some never met him. Some sleep over, like us.
All welcomed.
I’m not sure the poem they were reciting but it came from the book that contained mostly Habib Ali bin Hassan al-Attas’s poem, from the illustrious al-Attas family. Habib Hassan is also known as Companion of Mashhad as he is buried in Mashhad (born 1121A.H./1709C.E.).
More on the Haul and Habib Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Mihdhar in another post.