Friday night parties at school.
Before what’s in the video specifically is explained, somethings are best mentioned first..
You know how in hip hop songs, they might go mid-way and say, ‘time to switch it up’ or ‘turn it up.’ This is one of those.
Except that, the energy level last night a little lower than usual. The main recitor was not present and Habib Omar is having a flu, which affected the rest. I had posted a short excerpt of this poem two years ago which reflect a more hyped setting.
As far as the party goes, it’s understandable some can’t appreciate it. But once you get into the meanings of the poem, the overall evening and acquire a taste of this type of candy, it is sweet.
The significance of it being a Friday night must also be taken into consideration. Friday being the best day of the week, which kicks in at sun set on Thursday – as well as the long history that entails such gatherings.
Now about what you see visually..
1. The boys standing throughout the crowd, the majority of them are students helping the servicemen bring large steel mugs of water to the attendees. 1 litre mugs are passed around, shared and refilled.
2. The shawls on the floor belong to the students who get up volunteer. It is where they were sitting before they got up, and will resume the place when the distribution of water is done.
3. The camera crane, is one of three cameras used to to record the evening as well as broadcast it internationally. You can actually watch this evening weekly online and on some satellite channels like al-Erth an-Nabawi.
4. At the front facing the crowd, is Habib Omar, elders and distinguished guests and visitors. Recitors, teachers and others are there facing their direction, as are we.
5. Before water was served, the servicemen go around with incensed perfumed. When the sweetness of a gathering is illustrated, it’s not just tasted in the heart but the nose and neurons too.
6. So it’s incense, then water and later coffee just before the speeches begin.
7. What you see is only a portion of the audience. Because outside can’t be seen, at times it may be double than what’s in the hall.
8. While everyone may be sitting, in appearance in may look somewhat mellow. But having all their voices in unison, makes it quite a thing.
Thank you for the explanation
Any talks on helping Rohingyas there? And how?
Our neighbours , Malaysia and Indonesia doing talk cum show of protest and collection of funds..not to metion helping the displaced brothers to the camps..what do we singaporeans muslims can do abt this? Even not a whisper from malay leaders and muslim leaders of religious organisation of help..😥