Following up with the post I wrote recently on the Ahlul Bayt (See Comment Box) it ended about some people not being aware of history. This is connected to that. And connected to the Shi’a aspect of this subject.
Imam al-Shafi’i is one of the four known early Jurists. One of the four Sunni Schools of Law is the Shafi’i school (madhhab) and that explains how impactful he is and the knowledge he worked on.
The Malay world, as well as the lands connected to the Indian Ocean Rim, all subscribe to the Shafi’i madhhab by a vast, vast majority. Yet many of us do not know that he even engaged in writing poetry, let alone passionate ones.
Unfortunately today in Malaysia and elsewhere, some sectors will accuse or doubt a person or a school (madrasah) or a teacher to be a Shi’i (Shi’a) if he speaks about the Ahlul Bayt.
Imam Shafi’i also wrote a poem, sadly and regretfully recounting the incident when al-Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was slained. Even in English, you could almost hear tears being written into it.
The poem in the pic is taken from a book I recently read. The Perfect Family – Virtues of the Ahlul Bayt: According to Major Sunni Hadith Imams. It focuses specifically on Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidatina Fatimah, al-Hassan, al-Hussein as well as the coming of Imam Mahdi.
The book just came out in the UK in May 2015. It is available in the Klang Valley in Malaysia in three cafes, Mukha, Souka and Lapis. You can buy it online by emailing peacemealmy [at] gmail [dot] com Hardcover, RM120.