A 14 year-old classmate made me wonder about the beauty of Afterlife weeks ago.
For some people, worldly conflict only moves them physically and geographically. It does not move them more than this realm for their peace is set on something greater, the eternal realm that awaits us all.
In 2010, on my first visit to Yemen I had a chance to spend a few days in Aden, a coastal city and once busy port. The famous coffee trade of Yemen had here as its base and capital of South Yemen. The beautiful coast to hill landscape provides a more amazing view of this once-was place.
It has seen four conflicts/wars in less than forty years and this current one is the most intense. Families from Aden were in Tareem, most of them have family ties in Tareem, for some months recently but many have returned as things are beginning to stabilize.
Among those that are still here is this classmate of mine whom even as a young teenager, carries himself respectfully well enough to impress older ones around him. During one conversation, I had the war in mind and to comfort him without mentioning it, I said that Aden is a beautiful place. He replied,
‘Yes. Beauty of this world.’